Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And the Things I'm Most Grateful For Are...

Things that I am grateful for this morning.


My new supervisor is awesome. He actually tells me what is going on. After the staff meeting, which of course I didn't understand a word, he went up to me and said this is going on first period and this is where the teachers are going 2nd period. That's amazing. I don't think people realize here that just simply giving basic information to the ALT (for instance in 2nd period everyone is going to the gym) it makes the ALT much happier and much more pleasant to work with.

This morning, my supervisor was also teaching me how to answer the phone and what to say on the phone. Ahhhhhh!!!! That is really great of him and it shows that he actually believes me to be an actual person in the office, instead of a thing in a bubble. lol. However, how can I tell him that I'm afraid of phones? (I blame it on previous jobs lol) I'm especially afraid of phones in a Japanese office. I might say the wrong thing, not understand or be impolite. Oh dear!

Well he is taking the time to teach me so I should pick up a phone a couple of times, as I shake with horror and embarrassment. lol. The first couple of times are always the hardest for everything I guess.

Second Thing I'm grateful for:

There is a cleaning time first period. Ok, so I usually hate cleaning times. However, the kids have been gone for Spring Break, so no cleaning has been happening. Let's just say that the trash has been piling up. It's reaching dangerous heights (ok I'm exaggerating again). Anyway, the trash needs to be put out and I am thankful for these high school kids and their cleaning ways. Thank You! Arigatou!